Sunday, June 19, 2011

Una Fiesta Tíca!

Today, I experienced my very first fiesta Tica!  My host grandmother's brother, Marco, turned 50 today, which in Costa Rica is an enormous deal, just like the quinceañera for the girls.   There was a big surprise birthday party for him tonight which I got to attend with my host family!

The Mariachi Band!
My host sister Elena and mi abuela
Marco con sus hermanos, su esposa, y su hija
So, earlier today, my host mom told me that we would leave to go to the fiesta at 6 tonight...  I got home at 5:30 from a trip to the mall with a few friends, and changed quickly as not to be late.   At 6 o'clock, went downstairs expecting to leave soon, but I was the only one ready!  I have been told several times about "Tico Time"  where everybody is late to everything, but this is really the first time I experienced it.  Finally, at 6:45, everybody was ready to go.  When we got in the car, my host mom was telling me that the party started at 6, so we would probably be the first ones there.  (?)  So, if you're having a party in Costa Rica, and you want it to start at 7, you tell everybody 6 so that everybody will show up at 7.  haha.  I love it.  Turns out that we actually were the only people there for about 20 minutes!  The majority of people didn't even show up until around 8!

My host mom is on the right

 It was SO SO much fun.  There were so many cousins and other family members there that it was a little overwhelming.  Everyone wanted to talk to me and see how much spanish I knew. haha. They served us what my host mom told me was traditional food for fiestas, arroz con carne.  It was muy rico!  Later, after everyone finished eating, I was so surprised when a Mariachi band bursted through the door playing "Cumpleaños Feliz."  Overall, it was a great experience, and I'm so glad I have such a great host family that wants me to learn as much as possible about the Tico culture.

Adorable little girls clapping to the music.

Elena con su prima Maria Fernanda
Primas!  (Paola & Francela)
My host sister Elena and I!

Mi familia con Marco

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