Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Una aventura en Barva

A fútbol field in Barva

Sunday, I didn't really have any plans, so a couple of the other girls in the program and I decided to go walk around Barva...It's a small city on the outskirts of Heredia about 1km north of my house.  It is  a historic town with some of the houses dating back to the 1700's!  Anyway, it was a very relaxing and fun stroll around the city.  We also talked to an older Tico man who was walking his dogs in the Barva Park.  He was talking about how he lived in Miami for  few years, but hated working with the Puerto Ricans.  He continued to bash the Mexicans, Nicaraguans, and Guatemalans. Haha.  Anyway, it was fun just having a conversation with him.  Here are some pictures of Barva: 
La Iglesia de Barva

Mandi and Kari
So,  Yesterday, I had my first experience with trying a new food that I absolutely did not like.  It was called "Sopa Negra,"  and it had frijoles, peppers, cilantro, and I don't know what else.  I genuinely tried to eat it for about 15 minutes, but it was definitely not my favorite.  Eventually, my host mom noticed that I wasn't really eating it, and they fixed me an omelet.  I tried to finish, but I just couldn't.  I think it was the cilantro that I didn't like.  Other than that, the food has been awesome.  I've had plantains, rice, and beans cooked in every way you can imagine.  Also, the vegetables are always fresh and so so good.  Tonight, I had the best burritos of my life.  They were fantastic!  I have noticed that the Ticos don't really drink much water.  They drink a lot of juices they call refrescos, and coffee.  When I asked for water to drink the first day, they were super surprised, but it's definitely my preference.  
As of right now, my plans for this weekend consist of going to the beautiful Monteverde and Volcán Arenal(Mom, you can click on these links to see pictures. haha)  Hopefully, all the plans will work out.  Right now, I think that there are either 4 or 5 of us wanting to go.  Anyway, I must go to bed.  This whole class at 8am thing has turned me into a "Bed at 10:30" kind of girl.    ¡Buenas Noches! 

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