Wednesday, June 22, 2011

El cumpleaños de Elena

Today, Elena turned eleven! Per her request, we had pizza for dinner and a pink peace sign cake. :)  The party guests included her mami, papi, abuela, and me.  I also experienced my first, "He's about to kiss me on the cheek, what do I do!?!" moment when Elena's father was saying goodbye to everybody.  Haha, I definitely wasn't expecting that.

 Tomorrow is our first exam... We're basically being tested over the subjunctive, por v para, imperfect, and indirect/direct objects.  Hopefully I'll do well since I've already had all this stuff at UT. 

Oh my, how quickly plans change.  So, I said just last night that we were going to Monteverde this weekend.  Turns out that we will be going to Puerto Viejo, a beach on the Caribbean coast.  There's quite a large group going, so I hope that it will all work smoothly with the buses and such.

By the way, the bus system here is awesome.  You can get anywhere you want to go in Costa Rica for less than 5 dollars.  There are buses absolutely everywhere, and all you have to do is figure out the system.  Great, right? 

Well, I must go study my night away.  Hasta Luego!  I'll blog again when I return from Puerto Viejo! 

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