Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Exploring Heredia

Today was an excellent day here in Costa Rica!  I had my first solo adventure on the bus today in order to get to and from my first class!  It was a super short class today from 8am-10am, but a very good one.  We basically just spent the time talking about ourselves and getting to know one another.  Class tomorrow and for the rest of the summer will be longer than today and will last until 12 or 1 each day.  Since it was a short day, some compañeras de clase and I went to explore the city close to the University.  We walked around for about an hour just looking at all the shops and just taking in the incredible scenery.  Here's a picture, but  pictures could never measure up to seeing it in person.

After our little exploration of the city, I went back home and took a much needed siesta.  When i woke up, I went downstairs where my host sister Elena was working on a project for her English class.  She has a presentation tomorrow on Volleyball, so I helped her translate some sentences and helped with her pronunciation.  It was so much fun, and she also helped me a lot with my Spanish pronunciations.  Like "cada" and "cara"  Both involve tongue movements that we Americans aren't used to.  Anyway, I feel like my spanish has already improved after only being here 48 hours.  I hope that is a good sign of how much I will improve by the end of this experience!


  1. I am super-duper jealous of you actually being able to work on your Spanish this way... it's way superior to the lame workbooks I'm doing right now.

  2. I have to agree with you, steph. This is so much better than workbooks. :)
