Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reverse Culture Shock

I've been back in Tennessee for almost a week, but it feels like it's been forever.  It's hard to believe that one week ago, I was spending my last night in Costa Rica.  Being home has come with several "this is different" moments.  For instance, I had to readjust to flushing the toilet paper.  (Harder than it seems.)  I also had to get used to eating cold foods again.  I ate a cold piece of watermelon today, and I had to take a second for my teeth to unfreeze. Another thing is driving... I got used to the crazy driving while I was in Costa Rica, and the calm roads are still surprising to me!  The strangest moment for me, though, was when I was in a Mexican restaurant ordering in English while watching Spanish tv.  So so strange. 

This will be my "closing entry" for this blog.  I am so thankful to have gotten the opportunity to study abroad, and I am so glad that I could share my experience with family and friends by way of this blog.  It's almost August, and at this time of the year, I would normally be preparing to go to RA training.  Instead, I'm preparing for my 2nd study abroad adventure in FRANCE!  I've taken a few steps to get back into French speaking mode such as changing my Facebook from Spanish to French...haha...., and reading books & watching movies in French.  I will also be keeping a blog during my adventure in France, but I thought it only right that I create an entirely new one.  The blog is , but I've not yet begun to update it.  I hope you have enjoyed sharing this experience with me, and thanks for taking the time to actually read it. :)

¡Pura Vida!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful adventures! Can't wait to see what new adventures France brings! :)
