Friday, July 22, 2011

Airport Again

I'm sitting in the airport in Costa Rica waiting for my flight which boards in about an hour.  I've payed my exit tax, gotten my boarding passes, gone through security, and now all I have to wait on is the plane itself. 

This morning, I had the typical Costa Rican breakfast of gallo pinto con huevos.  It didn't feel real that I was actually leaving for good.  Saying goodbye to my host family was even harder than saying goodbye to my friends.  I even got a little teary eyed. I gave them my email and my telephone number so that we can keep in touch.  I told her to call me if she goes back to Indiana.   Haha. Who knows if I'll ever see them again, but oh well.

I've always loved being in airports.  Most people hate having to sit there during long layovers, but I don't mind it at all.  The only thing I don't like is that everybody in this airport speaks English. blah.  BUT when I paid my exit tax, I spoke only in Spanish, and he didn't switch to English! I felt so good that he could tell I understood him.   There are so many American families here on vacation and several high school groups as well.  It's an awesome feeling to be traveling alone, though.

I guess this will officially be my last post from Costa Rica.   It's so surreal.  It went by in a flash, and I enjoyed it much more than I ever imagined I would.  I've always wanted to study abroad in France, but learning Spanish was just something I needed to do.  Now, it doesn't feel so obligatory.

Ok, Sarah and Steven, the other students flying into Charlotte just arrived, so I will end this here.  In 6 hours, I will be in the US!

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