Friday, July 22, 2011

Adios Costa Rica

Tonight is my last night in Costa Rica....and I really can't believe it.  Never have six weeks gone by so quickly.  This time tomorrow, I will be in Lawrenceburg, TN.  My flight leaves for Charlotte at 2:35pm, so we're leaving for the airport at 11am tomorrow morning.  I've finished most of my packing, but still need to wake up semi early to shower and finish. Tomorrow's going to be a long long day. 

Last night, I finally got to see Harry Potter!  It was in English & subtitled in Spanish, but I didn't pay too much attention to the subtitles.  It was 2 for the price of 1 night at the movie theaters, and the kids are on winter break...Hence, it was crazy crowded.  Not to mention the middle school aged girls in front of me that were obviously not as hardcore Harry Potter fans as I am. Oh well, I got to see it for 1,300 colones which amounts to about $2.60.  I definitely need to see it in the US in order to decide if I liked it or not.  I've read the 7th book quite a few times, so I was a little bit disappointed when it didn't follow the book as much I'd hoped. 

So, when packing, I found some of my American money...I had forgotten how small the quarters and dimes were compared to the colones that I've been using.  They're seriously about half the size.  I couldn't get over the shock! haha.

Anyway,  today, we went over our final exams...which I made a 120% on.  haha.  I ended up with a 99.4 in the class.  Then, we had our "closing ceremony"  which consisted of eating lunch and saying goodbye.  I've met so many great people from such different places.  For instance, the people I hang out with most are from Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Florida, and Indiana...not exactly driving distance.  The goodbyes were much sadder than I'd expected.  After seeing these people every single day for the past 6 weeks, we've become pretty good friends. I am glad that I actually have connections in other parts of the US now. 

 Thanks for a great 6 weeks, Costa Rica...Nos vemos otra vez. ♥  Pura Vida.

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